Human centipede 2 uncut barbed wire scene
Human centipede 2 uncut barbed wire scene

According to effects supervisor Danny Bonnywell, Anderson actually filmed way more intense stuff even though he was pretty sure it would end up on the cutting room floor.

human centipede 2 uncut barbed wire scene

In the 20 seconds that appear in the final version of Event Horizon, the audience is treated to writhing naked bodies, crew members eating each other alive, a guy being sodomized with a pipe, and another ripping out his own intestines through his mouth. Even though the audience only sees a few seconds of the footage, the message is plenty potent. A major point of the film is when the crew finds a video log from the original crew's descent into the hell dimension. After docking on a spaceship sending out a distress signal, the crew begins suffering from violent hallucinations. Anderson's Event Horizon is an often overlooked science-fiction/horror film that teases an Alien-like monster on a spaceship narrative before descending into pure Lovecraftian terror. And, if you love all things spooky, check out this list of the scariest shows on television.

human centipede 2 uncut barbed wire scene

Read on to discover some of the worst scenes cut from horror movies and think about whether or not they should have made it into the final cut. This maximalist approach is why these scenes that were too scary for horror movies exist.įor the horror film enthusiast who always wants more, these gruesome cut scenes are like delayed icing on the blood-soaked cake. Despite the difficulty and risks of filming and the excruciating effort that goes into making movies, it' s just worth it to have more to work with. Part of the filmmaking process is shooting more footage than a director may actually end up using in the final edit. A situation that leaves viewers feeling repulsed rather than delightfully spooked. In terms of art, less is more, and the directors of horror movies with disturbing deleted scenes recognized that back-to-back scenes of mutilation and terror aren't enjoyable. But every once in a while a filmmaker shoots a scene that they later realize is so disturbing the audience will feel jarred out of the "safety" of the film. They’re a safe trip into the depths of the subconscious, a place to explore the worst the imagination can offer.

human centipede 2 uncut barbed wire scene

By definition horror movies are meant to be frightening.

Human centipede 2 uncut barbed wire scene